Maintaining National Purity through Regimentation

Oh, crap. Bush is giving a big speech on immigration tonight, and Drudge reports that he's sending the National Guard to the border. I predict future generations will see this as a step on the road to a total police state on an order of magnitude similar to the effect of 9/11. We're all about to become a lot more suspicious to law enforcement.

Because that's the only way this will work: keeping people from crossing the borders of this country will never work. We can't even keep inanimate objects like drugs out. Only now that there's a big military crackdown, the price for getting into the country is rising even more - and the human smugglers will have an even bigger profit motivation to bring people across the border in even worse conditions. All this will ensure is that the people who end up getting across will be even more destitute and desperate, thereby exacerbating the problems illegal immigrants have already been causing our society.

Scarier yet, however, is the precedent this will set for a monitoring of society on a scale we've never dreamed. Suddenly, finding auslaender will be a priority - and that means all of us will be under further scrutiny, even if we're upstanding citizens.

This is all to say nothing of the unforeseeable consequences these policies will have.

The goal of anti-immigration policy, it seems, is to make this an undesirable country to which to immigrate, to say nothing of the experience of us natives. By giving law enforcement and the military new roles in the monitoring and management of the population, government will get a new, dynamic leg in the door leading to authoritarianism. Forget about non-Americans who want to live here for just one second, and think - is this the America we Americans want to live in?

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Written on Friday, May 12, 2006