Market anarchist think tank launches

Finally, we have an organization promoting market anarchism to the masses. Announcing the Center for a Stateless Society:

The Molinari Institute, a market anarchist think tank, today launched a new media effort aiming to put their agenda to abolish government front and center in US political discourse. Dubbing their project the Center for a Stateless Society (, institute officials laid out plans to publish and distribute news commentary written by anarchists with radically free-market oriented views on economics - taking market anarchism out of the realm of academia and obscure internet blogs in order to put it in the public eye. Molinari Institute President Roderick Long explained "For too long libertarians, and I mean anarchist libertarians, have treated market anarchism almost as an esoteric doctrine. It's time to put market anarchism front and center in our educational efforts, time to start making it a familiar and recognizable position. The Center for a Stateless Society aims to bring a market anarchist perspective to the popular press, rather than leaving it confined to scholarly studies and movement periodicals."

Brad Spangler will serve as director, and hopefully I will be able to contribue some writing at some point. Roderick's appeal for a popular, persuasive anarchist movement in this country mirrors my thoughts (as will be clear when my next post is published in a few hours).

Any suggestions on topics on which I could write? I'm especially interested in those who are still skeptical about anarchism.

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Written on Wednesday, October 11, 2006