Another Fair Weather Capitalist

Sometimes, it's just too much. Not days after I called out a well-known capitalist for his anti-market rhetoric, Right Thinking Girl - that most vulgar of vulgar capitalists - gives me some more material along the same lines. And both bitch fests are about hotels and eco-friendly policies. It's great to throw your money around and cheer about capitalism and shopping and 'Mercka, until - oops! - the market aggregates values and demand in a way you don't approve. Then it's those evil liberals allying with Al Qaeda to deny you fresh sheets.

But screw going to a different hotel that caters to your high-falutin', jet-setting, glamorous lifestyle. You're a Republican, and America OWES you a hotel - in your price range - that doesn't conserve resources or appeal to your non-existent environmental consciousness. I mean, wake up, 'Mercka - is George W. Bush not president? Hello?

I swear to God, her and I are not colluding - she actually writes this stuff. I just happen to make fun of it. By all means, go check out her blog and have yourself a laugh.

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Written on Sunday, November 05, 2006